Message to Committee Members from Don Beers, MAF Engineer

Next meeting February 9, 2010
6353 Lee Vista Blvd , Orlando, Fl
9:30 am -2:30 pm

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


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HUD Settlement Statement - NPD7848E.PDF
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lead tracking committees message center

Lisa Pelham cell 813-784-1973
Weekly teleconference- Monday, January 18, 2010, 8:30 AM-9:30 AM, Dial 805-309-0011
Access Code 538-256-618 Audio PIN shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID 538-256-618
Message: Information on our first of 2010 local weekly conference call is above. Please call me with questions. For those of you who are new to our Pro Masonry Commercial Leads Tracking Committee, remember to contact Don Beers and ask for “permission” to participate in the Google docs information. Remember – you must set up a Google account first, although it does not have to be a gmail account. It is free and allows you to view the list of contacts and make your comments .Thanks for everything and I will talk to you all on Monday morning!

Shelly Honsberger 941-915-2035
Message: The Southwest leads tracking committee had their 1st local meeting on January 8th

Greg Strickland 561- 239-0386
Message: Please note updates to Miami Google docs sheet and activity. SE Google docs have been sanitized and are updated. Local Teleconference scheduled for week of January 18th.
Details pending. Two architect calls scheduled for February. Let's set a goal to have a minimum of two per month. We’ve made some progress with our ProMasonry effort in Dec/January. Two presentations, one was a sit down in West Palm Beach, the other was a full lunch presentation to about 20 people including their Senior VP. Issues addressed:

West Palm Beach
· upcoming warehouse building
· Preliminary specs from for tilt/precast
· Opportunity to convert design to masonry – both masons in attendance believes they can do it cheaper, faster better with masonry.
· Tilt finish was perceived as smoother, more controllable and uniform than stucco on CMU
· Tilt required less skilled labor than CMU
· Preferred the mason to handle the stucco as well – not have two subs, just one sub for CMU & stucco
· Sometimes false assumption that tilt is less costly and faster
· Big concern of quality of workmanship, especially with aging masons not being replaced with young masons
· Large CMU projects were more difficult to manage/supervise/control than large tilt projects
· Multiple crew mobilizations on CMU vs. one with tilt

Both of these companies agreed that the design criteria for the structure of buildings were based on:
· Site logistics
· Size of project
· Cost
· Speed of construction

All of these issues were satisfactorily addressed by the team, especially the apprentice program and current cost and speed of installed masonry. Both companies agreed that they would definitely give masonry a chance on upcoming projects and would solicit the assistance of local masons for budgeting as well as Don Beers for CMU design criteria.

A special thanks to Dave Aiken for getting us “in the door” and Don Beers for handling the more technical questions.

Treasure Coast
Dave Pfeffer 561-239-1400
Message: Treasure Coast team will be meeting prior to the TC Chapter meeting on January 21st at 4:00 PM to review project status. Meeting location information is on the Treasure Coast blog.


NorthEast Paul
The Northeast area has 2 Lunch and learns scheduled for January 27th and 28th with area decision makers specifically related to Bucket 3 projects.

Kem Magnant 229-630-4235
Message/Tallahassee: January 11-Met w/ Tallahassee reps to begin process for reviewing area projects
Message/Gainesville: Please review the jobs tracking sheet for the Gainesville area. Our committee must find out more information about these jobs and determine where to place our promotion efforts. We will have a brief meeting before the Masonry meeting on January 20th. The room has been reserved starting at 2:30. If everyone arrives promptly and is prepared to share information about the jobs listed on the enclosed sheet we should have plenty of time to update our projects. Please reply to this e-mail with your confirmation that you will be able to attend the meeting and I look forward to seeing everyone next week.

Jeff Gamel
Message: Don Beers had audience with large architectural firms in the Pensacola area scheduled by Jeff Gamel in the masonry promotional effort in the NW during the last quarter of 2009.

Lance Hill 352-266-0553

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Agenda January 4, 2010

12 noon to 4:00 pm
FC&PA 6353 Lee Vista Blvd. Orlando, FL 32822

Ø Call Meeting to Order

Ø Self Introductions

Ø Review of Anti-Trust Guidelines

Ø Remarks by Chairman Mike Ryan

Ø Objectives by Rocky Jenkins of CEMEX

Ø Specific Outline of the Duties of Each ProMasonry Chair

Ø Goals of Each Chapter

Ø Bi-Monthly Individual Reporting to Executive Committee by Each Chair

Ø Example of Breaking Down Project List, Investigating Projects, Setting up Calls and Reporting on Progress

Ø Open Discussion on Procedures – Pushback and Buy-in

Ø Short Review of Each Chapter’s Projects Live on Google Docs

Ø Adjourn

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Area reports-complete monthly

Reporting document on Google docs

1. Total # of projects distributed by Bucket
2. Bucket 3 status of projects
3. Total Sales Calls for month

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2010 Appointments Set Checklist

1. Date, time, type of appt.(ie L&L, or non L&L)
2. Area, Rep name, & e-mail (Local rep is responsible for F&B)
3. Company Name, contact, e-mail, phone number, address, number of people attending from company
4. Person setting appointment if different from area rep, phone & e-mail
5. Association/industry attendees
6. Total number for F&B
7. Syllabus or documents needed by firm